Thursday 16 February 2012

Reading Steve Jobs - Getting Started (blog)

I've decided to take the plunge and read the ~1,700 page Steve Jobs biography...and blog about my experience. The first question to answer is why read this book?

Curiosity is the primary reason. Wether you like Mac's or PC's, you have to respect what Jobs accomplished. Also, with some 16,000 reader reviews scoring it four or five out of five, I gotta think there's something good in there. 

Convenience is my second reason. I never would have bought and carried around a nearly 2,000 page book (this is why I've never read Bill Clinton's My Life), but with my iPad, not only is it terribly light,  it is with me always. 

If you are one of the millions who have read it, feel free to comment on my thoughts/findings. If you are not, hopefully I can provide some interesting insights for you.

Until next time,


PS: ...and no, the irony of reading Jobs' biography on my iPad is not lost on me!